Dr Fábio - OncoPETscan - Tratamento e Diagnóstico por Imagem Molecular

Dr. Fábio



Dr. Fábio Peroba Esteves

OncoPETscan – Tratamento e Diagnóstico por Imagem Molecular

Rua Sebastião Cruz, 80, 2º andar, Jardim Blumenau

Blumenau, SC   89010-340

(47) 3380-5858

fabio@oncopetscan.com.br; fpesteves@hotmail.com; festeve@emory.edu


  • Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1993-1998
  • Residência – Medicina Interna, MCP-Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, 1999-2000
  • Residência –Medicina Nuclear, Emory University, Atlanta, 2000-2002
  • Fellowship – PET/CT, Emory University, Atlanta, 2002-2003
  • Diploma – American Board of Nuclear Medicine, 2002
  • Diploma – Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia (Medicina Nuclear), 2004


  • Médico Nuclear, Grupo de Medicina Nuclear (GMN), Salvador, Brazil, 2003-2004
  • Professor Assistente, Radiologia, Emory University, Atlanta, EUA, 2004-2010
  • Professor Associado, Radiologia, Emory University, Atlanta, EUA, 2010-2014
  • Diretor Clínico, Cardiologia Nuclear, Emory University, Atlanta, EUA, 2005-2014
  • Professor Adjunto, Radiologia, Emory University, Atlanta, EUA, 2014-Presente
  • Médico Nuclear, OncoPETscan, Blumenau, SC, 2014-Presente


  • Medalha “Faculdade de Medicina – 190 Years” melhor pesquisa clínica na graduação, 1998 (Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Bahia)
  • “Young Investigator Award”, um dos 5 melhores temas livres do congresso, 2005 (American Society of Nuclear Cardiology)
  • “Herman Blumgart Award”, segundo melhor tema livre do congresso, 2008 (Society of Nuclear Medicine)
  • Sessão melhores temas livres do congresso, 2008 (European Society of Cardiology)


  • Membro, Diretrizes Viabilidade Miocárdica com FDG PET, 2009 (American Society of Nuclear Cardiology)
  • Membro, Education Committee, 2007-Presente (American Society of Nuclear Cardiology)


  • Primeiro autor ou co-autor de 27 artigos e mais de 50 temas livres (abstracts)
  • Primeiro autor ou co-autor de 4 artigos de revisão
  • Primeiro autor ou co-autor de 5 capítulos de livros
  • Co-autor de 1 editorial
  • 25 palestras em seminários e congressos internacionais


  • Esteves FP, Halkar RH, Taylor A. Transureteroureterostomy obstruction mimicking acute tubular necrosis. Clin Nucl Med 2002; 27 (2): 109-112.
  • Esteves FP, Schuster DM, Halkar RK. Gastrointestinal tract malignancies and positron emission tomography – an overview. Semin Nucl Med 2006; 169-181.
  • Esteves FP, Halkar R, Issa M, et al. Comparison of camera-based 99mTc-MAG3 and 24-hour creatinine clearances for evaluation of kidney function. Am J Roentgenol 2006;187(3):W316-9.
  • Esteves FP, Taylor A, Manatunga A, et al. 99mTc-MAG3 renography: normal values for MAG3 clearance and curve parameters, excretory parameters, and residual urine volume. Am J Roentgenol 2006;187(6):W610-7.
  • Esteves FP, Sanyal R, Santana CA, et al. Potential impact of noncontrast computed tomography as gatekeeper to myocardial perfusion PET in chest pain unit patients. Am J Cardiol 2008;101:149-152.
  • Esteves FP, Sanyal R, Nye JA, et al. Adenosine stress rubidium-82 PET/computed tomography in patients with known and suspected coronary artery disease. Nucl Med Commun 2008;29:674-8.
  • Esteves FP, Raggi P, Folks RD, et al. Novel solid-state-detector dedicated cardiac camera for fast myocardial perfusion imaging: multicenter comparison with standard dual-detector cameras. J Nucl Cardiol 2009; 16(6):927-34.
  • Esteves FP, Khan A, Correia LC, et al. Absent coronary artery calcium excludes inducible ischemia on positron emission tomography/computed tomography. Int J Cardiol 2009; 17;147(3):424-7.
  • Esteves FP, Nye JA, Khan A, et al. Prompt gamma compensation in adenosine stress rubidium-82 myocardial perfusion 3-dimensional PET/CT. J Nucl Cardiol 2010; 17:247-53.
  • Esteves F, Bonta D, Lucaj R and Barron B. Nuclear Imaging in Cardiothoracic Disease. In Cardiothoracis Surgery Review , Franco KL and Thourani VH, eds. Wolkers Kluwer/ Lippincott William and Wilkins. Philadelphia 2012. (932-948)
  • Esteves FP, Garcia EV. 2012. PET and PET/CT imaging. In Iskandrian AE and Garcia EV (Ed), Braunwald’s Companion: Nuclear Cardiac Imaging. Philadelphia, PA. (417-448)
  • Esteves FP, Santana CA, Garcia EV. 2012. SPECT/CT imaging. In Iskandrian AE and Garcia EV (Ed), Braunwald’s Companion: Nuclear Cardiac Imaging. Philadelphia, PA. (390-416)
  • Esteves FP, Galt JR, Folks RD, Verdes L, Garcia EV. Diagnostic performance of low-dose rest/stress Tc-99m tetrofosmin myocardial perfusion SPECT using the 530c CZT camera: Quantitative vs visual analysis. J Nucl Cardiol 2013;21:158-65.

Diretor Técnico

Dr. Fábio Peroba Esteves
CRM 20571 - RQE 12003


OncoPETscan Tratamento e Diagnóstico por Imagem Molecular Ltda
Rua Sebastião Cruz, 90 - 2º  Andar
Jardim Blumenau - Blumenau/SC - CEP: 89010-340

2024 - © Todos os direitos reservados